personal story

Interview: Hackteria

Interview: Hackteria Marc Dusseiller’s interview about Hackteria is a special interview in our series, as it does not present one hardware. The project is about documenting the work and creating a space for new teaching methods and new collaboration and friendship. We encourage you to read it in full, as the categories we used to highlight content do not really fit with this very inspirational interview. by the Open make team, Marc Dusseiller.

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Interview: VentMon

Interview: VentMon By the Open make team and Robert Read. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Banner image: VentMon logo, distributed under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 Interviewee: Robert Read Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Robert Mies, Fabio Reeh, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb

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Three months in Delft, two open hardware projects

Hardware in research My name is Mik Schutte. During my master thesis (2022), I was tasked with the rebuilding of a setup: the microstimulation setup. I got acquainted with the hardware surrounding experimental research. All hardware components together make the setup which, if functioning correctly allows for an experimental protocol to be carried out. However, as many experimenters can confirm, the road to a functional, personalized and ideal setup has many obstacles.

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Interview: Plastic scanner

Interview: Plastic scanner by the Open make team, and Jerry de Vos. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Banner image: Date: 05/2022 Interviewee: Jerry de Vos (TU Delft) Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Fabio Reh, Robert Mies, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb

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M19 Oxygen Concentrator

Interview: M19 Oxygen Concentrator by the Open make team, Vaibhav Chhabra. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Banner image: maker’s asylum logo Interviewee: Vaibhav Chhabra Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Fabio Reeh, Robert Mies, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb Screenshot of the interview.

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Interview: OpenFlexure microscope

Interview: OpenFlexure microsocpe by the Open make team and Julian Stirling. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Interviewee: Julian Stirling Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Robert Mies, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb Banner image: derived from an icon from the Gathering for Open Hardware Community (CC-BY) and photo from Julian Stirling.

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Interview: White rabbit

Interview: White rabbit by the Open make team, Javier Serrano and Amanda Diez Frenandez. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The Hardware The Research outputs The participants Banner image: white rabbit logo, By CERN, distributed under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 Interviewee: Javier Serrano (CERN) & Amanda Diez Fernandez (CERN) Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Robert Mies, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb

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